Well, this story is Shark Encounter part Deux... this time on Dalila Reef, an area similar in topography, depth and fish life to Caracolillo. Merrily going about our business, on our radar scopes shows up The Mother of All Nurse Sharks! And this one wasn't bothering to hide under anything (it was too big to be scared of anything); it was out in open view in the sand! Now, this thing was BIG. And WIDE. I would guess it was a good 7 to 7 1/2 feet long.
Today I chose to take the wide angle in the open ocean, after having good success with it in the last cave dive. I've got it set at widest angle and I'm slowly trying to frame the whole shark in the viewfinder -- big shark means I don't have to get too close, right? -- so I get it framed and *flash* *flash* go some very nice shots of this monster. Then I look away from the viewfinder and find I'm only 2 feet away from it! Hooboy! Niiiice shark. Time for some slow adjustment of my proximity. Well, truthfully, I'm not daunted or the least bit concerned... maybe I should be as its clearly the largest one I've come across.

Mariano then drops down in front of this beast and I swear they must be having a staring contest. Mariano would have lost, sharks don't blink. *flash* *flash* more good shots. Okay, thinks I. It's my turn to impress the rest of the dive team. Took the regulator out of my mouth and heeere I go for the bite! Well, this shark spooked a lot easier than the last one and it really didn't want me that close to its tail. It zipped around 180 degrees and pretty much passed right under me, teeth first, and disappeared. *flash* more pictures *flash*.
Great photo-op day.
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