20 July 2009

More Beautiful Passage

Well... not much time to write today so I'll summarize by saying the week in Cozumel diving Aerolito was a lot of fun! With 3 aluminum 80's filled with nitrox, you can really go pretty far in there. So far I have exhausted only a few of the many lines. And the further you go back beyond Wonderland the more amazingly beautiful it is. These two pictures will give you an idea of some of the rooms found there.

Both pictures are (C) 2009 Brad Reynolds and published here with permission.

Both of these pictures show me without the stage bottle. This is because we staged them before the entrance to Wonderland, roughly halfway into the cave where these pictures were taken. The large orange object in my left hand is my Ikelite Substrobe 400 set up with one of Brad's slave sensors. I used it to do profile/shadow lighting on formations for Brad's photography. When Brad was taking pictures with me in frame, I had to remember to turn off the strobe, then turn it on again afterwards.

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