OK, mostly packed and almost ready to leave Cozumel on Monday... but wait! It's Sunday night and this means there's a party in the Plaza. There's always a party in the Plaza on Sunday. But what I forgot is that Cozumel is now in the throes of one of its most flamboyant celebrations: Carnaval!!

For most contestants dancing is a liberal term. It was more like shimmying across the stage, especially when they were burdened with the wings. Even through the stage fog machine's smoke which hindered good photography, and being pelted in the head with candy by one contestant (are sweets some kind of bribe?) the show was mostly entertaining.
In my opinion there was one clear winner. This girl (top and bottom photos) came on stage with the best presentation, the best posturing, the best dance movements; she exuded confidence and sex appeal... and then did one great thing that none of the other contestants did: she Sang -- Beautifully! You could hear men's hearts melt in a two block radius. I was totally enthralled.
What a fantastic send-off from Cozumel.
And the line for esquites at Raspados Tropicales still had 50 people in it when I left...

(Photos taken with the Canon 300D Digital Rebel, with a 24-105mm f/4L lens, mostly at ISO-400 (flash) and ISO-1600 (no flash) in the "P"rogram mode, RAW format)
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